My Blog
Stories from the Farm
Welcome to my Blog where I share some of the behind the scenes of farm life along with style tips from the Boutique. Learn more about why I love Graphic t-shirts and how I incorporate them into my daily wardrobe on the farm!
The Ginger Hill Farmer Brand
Everything you wanted to know about The Ginger Hill Farmer Have you heard the story behind why I started this brand?
The Ginger Hill Farmer Brand
Everything you wanted to know about The Ginger Hill Farmer Have you heard the story behind why I started this brand?
Closet Clean Out Tips + Tricks
By the end of the year it seems to feel like my house is overrun with stuff. Between the new Christmas gifts and months of just shoving stuff places because...
Closet Clean Out Tips + Tricks
By the end of the year it seems to feel like my house is overrun with stuff. Between the new Christmas gifts and months of just shoving stuff places because...
My Top 5 Do's and Don'ts for Planting Season
Planting season will (hopefully) be here soon, and with it comes long days and a lot of work. After many, many years I’ve compiled my top 5 list of do’s...
My Top 5 Do's and Don'ts for Planting Season
Planting season will (hopefully) be here soon, and with it comes long days and a lot of work. After many, many years I’ve compiled my top 5 list of do’s...
5 Tips for Styling Graphic Farm Tees
Are you tired of the same old boring outfits? Graphic tees have become a staple in most people's closets, but they don't have to be reserved for just casual occasions....
5 Tips for Styling Graphic Farm Tees
Are you tired of the same old boring outfits? Graphic tees have become a staple in most people's closets, but they don't have to be reserved for just casual occasions....
Blog posts
Tried and True Harvest Crockpot Dinners
Our Favorite Crock Pot Dinners for the Busy Harvest Season Harvest season is here, and for us farm women, that means long days, juggling multiple roles, and finding ways to...
Tried and True Harvest Crockpot Dinners
Our Favorite Crock Pot Dinners for the Busy Harvest Season Harvest season is here, and for us farm women, that means long days, juggling multiple roles, and finding ways to...